Thursday, September 28, 2017

::: CANCELLED ::: IX International Jew’s Harp Festival and Congress (UPDATED) | General provisions of the IX International Festival - Congress of the Vargan


IX International Jew’s Harp Festival and Congress (IX IJHF).

15-19 February 2018, Russia, Moscow.

Общие положения IX Международного фестиваля-конгресса варгана: даты проведения, учредители, оргкомитет, основные направления работы и прочая информация общего характера.

General provisions of the IX International Festival - Congress of the Vargan (English below *)

Общие положения IX Международного фестиваля-конгресса варгана: 

  • Международный фестиваль-конгресс варгана (далее — МФВ) является специальным мероприятием, проводящимся с 1984 года в различных странах мира и направленным на развитие основных аспектов искусства игры на варгане и смежных форм деятельности в контексте межкультурного взаимодействия. 
  • IX МФВ состоится в Москве 15-19 февраля 2018 года. Также событие приурочено к 20-летнему юбилею Международного Общества Варгана (International Jews Harp Society), являющимся учредителем Международных фестивалей-конгрессов варгана с момента своего основания во время III МФВ 1998 года в Австрии. 

Учредители и организаторы IX МФВ: 

  • Учредителем IX МФВ является Международное Общества Варгана (International Jew's Harp Society) в лице действительных членов правления и Президента общества. 
  • Общее руководство IX МФВ осуществляет оргкомитет в лице Николая Соболева и Аксентия Бескровного.

В компетенцию оргкомитета входит: 

  • Определение и разработка общей концепции IX МФВ с учётом рекомендаций правления Международного Общества Варгана и сложившихся традиций Международных фестивалей-конгрессов варгана. 
  • Выбор и привлечение партнёров для сотрудничества в рамках IX МФВ. 
  • Утверждение перечня основных событий IX МФВ, а также установление порядка и условий уча­стия в этих событиях. 
  • Составление расписания событий IX МФВ, выбор площадок для их проведения. 
  • Формирование списка участников концертных, научных и образовательных мероприятий на основе рекомендательного списка потенциальных участников, предоставленного программным комитетом IX МФВ, сформированным президентом Международного Общества Варгана, в лице Лео Тадагавы, Арона Силади и Николая Соболева. 
  • Организация пребывания и размещения основных участников IX МФВ во время события; содействие в получении виз для зарубежных участников; содействие в покрытии транспортных расходов основных участников в рамках возможностей оргкомитета. 
  • Составление положений конкурсных событий, утверждение перечня номинаций конкурсов, установление порядка подведения ито­гов и награждения победителей, а также формирование и утверждение состава жюри, организация его работы. 

При этом все вышеупомянутые аспекты проведения IX МФВ прорабатываются оргкомитетом в тесном контакте с президентом Международного Общества Варгана. 

Цели и задачи IX МФВ: 

  • Популяризация варганной музыки, привлечение внимания к традиционному музыкальному искусству народов мира и авторским формам творчества, связанным с варганом. 
  • Выявление новых талантов среди исполнителей варганной музыки и изготовителей варгана. 
  • Систематизация научных данных по истории варгана разных народов мира и сферам применения инструмента в прошлом и настоящем. 
  • Гармонизация межнациональных отношений, налаживание и укрепление международных культурных связей. 

Основные направления работы IX МФВ: 

  • Концерты с широким охватом традиционных и современных стилей игры. 
  • Проведение мастер-классов для участников IX МФВ и зрителей. 
  • Проведение отдельных музыкальных мероприятий свободного формата с акцентом на импровизационные выступления. 
  • Музыкальный конкурс «Виртуозы варгана» для исполнителей-солистов. 
  • Конкурс «Мастера варгана» для мастеров, специализирующихся на изготовлении дуговых варганов и аналогов данного типа инструмента. 
  • Научная и просветительская программа для специалистов в рамках конференции «Варган в прошлом и настоящем»
  • Специализированные выставки. 

Участие в IX МФВ: 

  • Список участников формируется оргкомитетом IX МФВ на основании рекомендаций программного комитета и личных заявок от потенциальных участников. 
  • Условия участия в конкурсных мероприятиях и конференции будут регулироваться соответствующими положениями, которые будут опубликованы отдельно. 

Даты проведения: 

  • Проведение IX МФВ запланировано на 15-19 февраля 2018 года в Москве. 
  • Оргкомитет оставляет за собой право расширить сроки IX МФВ для проведения дополнительных подготовительных мероприятий. 

Контактная информация: 


General provisions of the IX International Festival - Congress of the Vargan:

The International Festival-Congress of the Vargan (hereinafter - the IMF) is a special event, held since 1984 in various countries of the world and aimed at the development of the main aspects of the art of warbane playing and related forms of activity in the context of intercultural interaction.

IX IMF will be held in Moscow on February 15-19, 2018. The event is also timed to the 20th anniversary of the International Jews Harp Society, which has been the founder of the international festival-congresses of the warban since its founding during the 3rd IMF 1998 in Austria.

Founders and organizers of the IXth IMF:

The founder of the 9th IMF is the International Jew's Harp Society, represented by full members of the board and the President of the Society.

The general management of the IX MPF is carried out by the organizing committee in the person of Nikolai Sobolev and Aksenti Beskrovny.

The competence of the organizing committee includes:

Definition and development of the overall concept of the IX IMF, taking into account the recommendations of the Board of the International Society of Vargan and the established traditions of the International Festival-Congresses of the Vargan.

The choice and involvement of partners for cooperation within the framework of the 9th IMF.

Approval of the list of the main events of the IXth IMF, as well as the establishment of the procedure and conditions for participation in these events.

Drawing up the timetable for the events of the IXth IMF, the selection of sites for their conduct.

Formation of the list of participants of concert, scientific and educational events on the basis of the recommendatory list of potential participants provided by the program committee of the IX MPC, formed by the president of the International Society of the Vargan, represented by Leo Tadagawa, Aron Siladi and Nikolai Sobolev.

Organization of the stay and accommodation of the main participants of the 9th IMF during the event; assistance in obtaining visas for foreign participants; Assistance in covering the transportation costs of the main participants within the framework of the organizational committee.

Drafting the provisions of competitive events, approving the list of nominations for the competitions, establishing the order of summing up and awarding the winners, as well as the formation and approval of the jury, the organization of its work.

Moreover, all the above-mentioned aspects of the IX IMF are being worked out by the organizing committee in close contact with the president of the International Society of the Vargan.

Goals and objectives of the IX IMF:

Popularization of harp music, attraction of attention to the traditional musical art of the peoples of the world and author's forms of creativity connected with the harp.

Identification of new talents among performers of harp music and producers of the harp.

Systematization of scientific data on the history of the warbane of different peoples of the world and the areas of application of the tool in the past and present.

Harmonization of interethnic relations, establishment and strengthening of international cultural ties.

The main areas of work for the 9th IMF:

Concerts with a wide coverage of traditional and modern styles of the game.

Conducting of master classes for the participants of the 9th IMF and spectators.

Holding of separate musical events of free format with an emphasis on improvisational performances.

Musical competition "Virtuosos of the Vargan" for performers-soloists.

Competition "Masters of the Vargan" for masters, specializing in the production of arc harps and analogues of this type of instrument.

Scientific and educational program for specialists within the framework of the conference "Vargan in the Past and Present".

Specialized exhibitions.

Participation in the 9th IMF:

The list of participants is formed by the organizing committee of the 9th IMF on the basis of the recommendations of the program committee and personal applications from potential participants.

The terms of participation in the competitive events and conferences will be governed by the relevant provisions, which will be published separately.


The IX IMF is scheduled for February 15-19, 2018 in Moscow.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to extend the deadline for the IXth IMF for additional preparatory events.

Contact Information

Nikolay Sobolev:  Вконтакте | Фейсбук (Vkontakte | Facebook)

Aksenty Beskrovny:  Вконтакте | Фейсбук(Vkontakte | Facebook)

Official pages of the event: | Вконтакте | Фейсбук

For requests on general issues:

International Jew's Harp Society - Facebook

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Round Table. "Traditions and modernity" :: Museum and Center of Khomus on 28-29 September, Yakutsk.

Круглый стол «Хомус. Традиции и современность». 28-29 сентября

Музей и Центр хомуса (trump) народов мира мастеров-изготовителей, исполнителей, исследователей, пропагандистов и всех заинтересованных лиц приглашает принять участие в Круглом столе «Хомус. Традиции и современность».

Круглый стол призван обозначить настоящее положение развития хомусной музыки, значение современных явлений для культуры народа саха, так же в свете представления ее за пределами Республики; кроме того обозначить вероятные пути решения проблем встающих на пути исполнителей, мастеров-изготовителей, преподавателей хомуса и др.

Программа круглого стола

28 сентября (четверг)

9.00 Регистрация участников
10.00 Торжественное открытие
Доклад Алексеев И.Е.
Содокладчики Шишигин Н.С., Бурцев Н.Н.
12.30 Обед
14.00 Работа секции исполнителей, преподавателей и исследователей хомуса
15.00 Пресс-конференция для СМИ и населения
15.00 Работа секции мастеров-изготовителей
19.00 Концерт
29 сентября (пятница)

10.00 Пленарное заседание в 2-х частях
1 часть. Открытое общее обсуждение
2 часть. Принятие резолюции

Round Round Table. Traditions and modernity ". 28-29 September

The Museum and centre of homusa (Trump) of the peoples of the world of masters, performers, researchers, advocates and all interested persons are invited to participate in the round table " Guimbarde. Traditions and modernity ".

The round table aims to present the present situation of the development of homusnoj music, the importance of modern phenomena for the culture of the people of sakha, also in the light of the presentation of it outside the republic; moreover, it is possible to identify the likely ways to solve the problems of the

Round Table

28 September (Thursday)

9.00 registration of participants

10.00 grand opening

Report report report

Co-rapporteurs šišigin n. With., burtsev.

12.30 lunch

14.00 work of the section, teachers and researchers section

15.00 Press Conference for the media and population

15.00 work of the masters section

19.00 concert

September 29 (Friday)

10.00 plenary meeting in 2

1 part. Open General discussion

2 part. Adoption of the resolution

(Facebook) Il Khomus - Круглый стол «Хомус. Традиции и современность». 28-29...

Museum and Center of Khomus on Facebook

Thursday, September 21, 2017

new edition for 21 September – happy autumn!

news, articles & videos of the world of the Jew's Harp /otherwise know as the Хомус, xomus, guimbarde, Đàn môi, karinding, jawharp, moorsing, morchange, mouth-harp, maultrommel, vargan, etc., etc.

【The #KhomusWeekly Jew's Harp Newsletter】
• newsletter:
• blog: (here)
• youtube channel:
• facebook: @KhomusWeekly
• funding:

▶ jaw harp music "Echoes of time" by Kambar Kalendarov (Kyrgyzstan)

Marranzano World Fest 2017 - Voci della Tradizione :: 29 SEPT – 1 OCTOBER; Catania, Italy

Workshops with Áron Szilágyi and Nikolai Sobolov at Marranzano World Fest 2017 - Voci della Tradizione

La Sicilia Incontra il Mondo al Marranzano World Fest (MWF)

(ENGLISH BELOW*) Dalla prima edizione del 2005, il MWF si è rapidamente affermato come punto di riferimento e momento di incontro per tutto l’ambiente variegato che unisce la ricerca etnomusicologica con la pratica musicale e con la divulgazione e la salvaguardia del patrimonio musicale di tradizione orale.

Nato con l’obbiettivo di (ri)scoprire e valorizzare le tradizioni musicali siciliane attraverso un fertile confronto con le tradizioni culturali di tutto il Mondo, il MWF è ormai un contesto unico dove si incontrano passato e futuro, ricerca scientifica e pratica artistica, tradizione e contemporaneità, la cultura locale e il villaggio globale, lo studio rigoroso e il puro divertimento, all’insegna dei valori di incontro, scambio e condivisione tra persone, generazioni, lingue e culture diverse.

L’Ottava edizione prevede nel 2017 un approfondimento sulle forme e i repertori, le tecniche esecutive, gli stili e le specificità del canto popolare in Sicilia, sia esso a voce sola o polivocale, nei contesti devozionali e in quelli profani, anche attraverso il confronto con repertori di canto corale e tradizionale di altre regioni d’Italia e del Mondo

Oltre ai concerti con prestigiosi ospiti locali, nazionali e internazionali, il programma prevede un ricco calendario di conferenze, presentazioni e laboratori pratici per conoscere da vicino e sperimentare in prima persona le danze, i canti e le musiche popolari dalla Sicilia alla Campania, dalla Russia all’Africa, passando anche per Ungheria, Francia, Svizzera e Stati Uniti.

Associazione Musicale Etnea & MoMu Mondo di Musica  
–––––––––––––– Presentano –––––––––––––––––
8ª edizione – Voci della Tradizione 

Catania, Monastero dei Benedettini  
29 settembre - 1 ottobre 2017
Sabato 16 settembre – Piazza Federico II
Zoord (Kecskemét, Ungheria)
In collaborazione con Ursino Buskers 
Domenica 24 settembre – Monastero dei Benedettini
Lautari (Catania, Sicilia)
Venerdì 29 settembre – MARRANZANITE 2017
Raduno dei Marranzanisti siciliani.
Mike Hentz (Svizzera/Usa)
Olga PrassНиколай Соболев (Mosca, Russia)
Damadakà (Napoli, Italia)

Sabato 30 settembre – VOCI DELLA TRADIZIONE
I Pircanti (Catania, Sicilia)
Cantori di Malvagna (Messina, Sicilia)
Igor Dmitriev e Anna Zhavoronkova (San Pietroburgo, Russia)
Lo Còr de la Plana (Marsiglia, Francia)

Domenica 1 ottobre – SICILIA INCONTRA IL MONDO
Matilde Politi e Simona Di Gregorio (Sicilia)
Oumou Sangare & BAND (Bamako, Mali)

Conferenza inaugurale sui canti di tradizione orale in Sicilia
Laboratori di canto, danza e strumenti popolari tradizionali
Mercatino degli strumenti musicali artigianali
Danze popolari in cortile
Vini e cibi siciliani
… e molto altro ancora

16 settembre:
Ingresso gratuito con sottoscrizione volontaria nel cappello di Ursino Buskers

24, 29 e 30 settembre:
Intero € 10,00 + diritti di prevendita
Ridotto € 7,00 + d.p. (Under 26, Over 65, Abbonati AME)
Speciale UniCT € 5,00 (Studenti e dipendenti Università di Catania, solo al botteghino)

Domenica 1 ottobre:
Intero € 15,00 + d.p.
Ridotto * € 12,00 + d.p
Abbonati AME € 10,00 + d.p.
Ridotto Speciale UniCT € 8,00 (al botteghino sarà necessario dimostrare di essere iscritti)

Abbonamento a 3 concerti, dal 29 settembre al 1 ottobre: € 24,00
Acquistando l’abbonamento entro il 24 settembre si ha diritto alla riduzione speciale per il concerto dei Lautari.

* Durante tutte le serate del Marranzano World Fest sarà possibile acquistare l’abbonamento per la 43ª stagione dell’AME in promozione fino al 1 ottobre. Info su

(Facebook event page) Marranzano World Fest 2017 - Voci della Tradizione

* GOOGLE TRANSLATE –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Sicily Meets the World at the Marranzano World Fest (MWF)

(ENGLISH BELOW *) Since its first edition in 2005, MWF has quickly become a point of reference and a meeting point for the diverse environment combining ethnomusicological research with music practice and the popularity and preservation of musical heritage of oral tradition.

Born with the goal of (re) discovering and enhancing Sicilian musical traditions through a fertile confrontation with cultural traditions throughout the world, the MWF is now a unique setting where past and future meet, scientific research and artistic practice, tradition and contemporary, local culture and the global village, rigorous study and pure fun, in the form of values ​​of encounter, exchange and sharing between people, generations, languages ​​and cultures.

The Eighth Edition provides in 2017 an in-depth look at forms and repertoires, executive techniques, styles and specifics of popular songs in Sicily, whether it's voice or polyvocal, in devotional and profane contexts, also by comparing it with choral and traditional repertoires of other regions of Italy and the World

In addition to concerts with prestigious local, national and international guests, the program provides a rich calendar of conferences, presentations and practical workshops to get to know each other closely and experience in-person dances, songs and popular music from Sicily to Campania, Russia to Africa, also passing through Hungary, France, Switzerland and the United States.

Etnea Musical Association & MoMu Music World
-------------- Present -----------------
8th Edition - Traditions

Catania, Monastery of the Benedictines
September 29 - October 1, 2017
Saturday, September 16 - Piazza Federico II
Zoord (Kecskemét, Hungary)
In collaboration with Ursino Buskers
Sunday, September 24 - Monastery of the Benedictines
I Lautari (Catania, Sicily)
Friday, September 29 - MARRANZANITE 2017
Meeting of Sicilian Marrangists.
Mike Hentz (Switzerland / Usa)
Olga Prass, Николай Соболев (Moscow, Russia)
Damadakà (Naples, Italy)

Saturday, September 30 - VOICES OF TRADITION
The Pircanti (Catania, Sicily)
Cantors of Malvagna (Messina, Sicily)
Igor Dmitriev and Anna Zhavoronkova (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Còr de la Plana (Marseille, France)

Sunday 1 October - SICILY MEET THE WORLD
Matilde Politi and Simona Di Gregorio (Sicily)
Oumou Sangare & BAND (Bamako, Mali)

Inaugural conference on songs of oral tradition in Sicily
Singing, dancing and traditional folk instruments
Crafts musical instruments market
Popular dances in the yard
Sicilian Wines and Foods
… and much more

September 16:
Free admission with voluntary subscription in the hat of Ursino Buskers

24, 29 and 30 September:
Whole € 10,00 + pre-sale
Reduced € 7,00 + d.p. (Under 26, Over 65, AME Subscribers)
Special UniCT € 5,00 (Students and employees of the University of Catania, only at the box office)

Sunday 1st October:
Whole € 15,00 + d.p.
Reduced * € 12,00 + d.p
Subscribers AME € 10,00 + d.p.
Reduced UniCT Special € 8,00 (at the box office you will need to prove to be subscribed)

Subscription to 3 concerts, from 29 September to 1 October: € 24,00
By purchasing your subscription by September 24, you are eligible for the Special Reduction for the Lautari Concert.

* All Marranzano World Fest's evenings will be available for purchase for the 43rd season of the Promotion until Oct. 1. About

(Facebook event page) Marranzano World Fest 2017 - Voci della Tradizione

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

▶ Rais Khan - morchang maestro | Barmer Boys - Amrano

Rais Khan - morchang maestro - YouTube
Published on Sep 16, 2013 by Amarrass
Rais Khan is a self taught master of the morchang (a Rajasthani folk instrument, also called the chhangg in Gujarat or morsing in southern India). A multi-instrumentalist, he also plays the bhapang, khartaal and beat-boxes as well.. He is part of the group Barmer Boys, and features on the following albums released on Amarrass Records: "At Home: Barmer Boys" debut album; "Live at the Amarrass Desert Music Festival 2011" available on iTunes, Amazon,, your neighborhood music store, and at

Barmer Boys - Amrano | Sofar Odense - YouTube
Published on Sep 14, 2017 by Sofar Sounds

Barmer Boys are the next generation of performers that carry forward the centuries-old musical traditions of the Manganiyars and are the global ambassadors of contemporary Rajasthani folk and Sufi music. The trio meld traditional Sufi and celebratory songs with the acid twang of the morchang (Jewsharp), the staccato rhythm of the dholak (two headed Indian drum) and beatboxing, creating a sound unique to the band! The band's versatility of styles and bubbling energy infuses each performance - from soulful Sufi kalaams to uplifting wedding and celebratory songs, songs of love and remembrance, to boisterous jams with beat-boxing and live DJ sets. 
The group formed in 2011, and has performed with a host of world renowned artists including Vieux Farka Tourè, Bombino, BaBa ZuLa and Madou Sidiki Diabatè. They have performed at the Amarrass Desert Music Festival (2011, 2012), The Elders Conference, Escape Festival, Bhakti Samaroh and more. The group made their international debut in 2014 with shows at Roskilde Festival ’14, Borneo World Music Expo ’14, a US debut with a coast-to-coast tour in April ’14, and have been wooing audiences on television screens, cinema halls and festivals in India including MTV CokeStudio Season 3, NH7 Weekender ‘14, IIT Mood Indigo ’14 and Jaipur Literature Festival ’15. Barmer Boys have since toured Canada, Europe and Hong Kong, and featured on BBC Radio's Global Beats program.

- Barmer Boys were featured artists on Season 3 of Coke Studio at MTV India (August 2013)

- Debut album "At Home: Barmer Boys" released in Dec 2012 on Amarrass Records (4 Stars - Songlines)

- Performed at Roskilde Festival 2014 with their set between shows by Outkast and The Rolling Stones!
Contact AMARRASS RECORDS ( | 011-4666-1200 (Delhi); +1-608-334-0583 (International) for artist bookings, music reviews, interviews and more.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Relaxation and movement: Francois Cesari and his music stories for children / The DAN MOI Jaw Harp Blog ♫

"Sometimes, I use the jaw harp like a robot. Then the kids laugh. The thunder drum is making them awake and they are a little scared as well. They are surprised by the bird voices and they love dancing with the drums and percussions the most”, says french percussionist and music educator Francois Cesari.

I enjoy the fact that I can open up the infinite world of sounds to a new generation”, states Francois Cesari in an email to us. Since 2015 DAN MOI supports the French jaw harp player and percussionist who was part of the trance music band Goayandi for a long time. His new band project is called Watt The Foxxx. When Francois is passionately talking about a new generation, it’s children aged between 6 months and 6 years that he has in mind. For the last 2 years he’s been regularly sharing sound experiences with them. On this mission, too, the instruments from DAN MOI are involved.
more: Relaxation and movement: Francois Cesari and his music stories for children / The DAN MOI Jaw Harp Blog ♫

РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ КУЗНЕЦОВ "САТА-УУС" | Republican festival KUZNECOV "SATA-UUS" ... (traditional iron ore and blacksmithing in Siberia)

Республика Саха (Якутия), Нюрбинский район, село Хангаласс. 17-18 августа 2017 года

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Nyurbinsky district, Khangalass village. August 17-18, 2017

Blacksmiths from Suntaar, Bylyy, Yohee Bylyy, Khangalass, Nyurba regions and Yakutsk city in Kangalass (Ynakhsyt) village.

1. History research of wrought iron development in Sata, meet the witness of metallurgical process.
2. Reconstruction and iron wrought from local ore.
3. Knife competition.

4. Khomus competition.
5. Sale of craftsmen goods.

Фестиваль организован совместными усилиями местных муниципальных образований МО "Хангаласский наслег", глава Николаев Николай Васильевич, МО "Нюрбинский район", и.о. главы Никифоров Иван Прокопьевич, Ассоциации кузнецов и металлургов РС(Я) - Якутское отделение СКР, Президент Бурцев Николай Николаевич, Музея дружбы народов им. К.Д. Уткина, директор Борисов Борис Борисович, Краеведческого музея им. В.А. Петровой, директор Анисимова Зоя Васильевна. Большая благодарность специалисту администрации МО наслега Васильевойа Александре Петровне и егерю Николаеву Николаю Дмитриевичу.

The Festival is organized jointly by the local municipal entities of the moe " hangalasskij nasleg ", head of Nikolaev Nikolay Vasilyevich, mo " Nyurbinsky District ", acting head of nikiforov Ivan Basharin, Association of kuznetsov and metallurgists Rs (I) - yakutsk office oni, President Burtsev Nikolai Nikolayevich, The Museum of friendship of peoples named after. Utkina, director of borisov Boris Borisovich, preservation museum of. Petrova, director of anisimova zoe vasilievna. Great thanks to the specialist of the administration of moe naslega vasilʹevoja Alexander Petrovna and gamekeeper nikolayevu Nicholas Dmitrieviču.

Николай Бурцев (Nikolai Burtcev)

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