Saturday, December 29, 2018

The books "Ivan Alekseev: the world of homusa is open to every person" and "Master vargana - the magical sound of the creator" | "Иван Алексеев: "Мир хомуса открыт каждому человеку" & "Мастера варгана – волшебного звука творцы"

Книга "Иван Алексеев: "Мир хомуса открыт каждому человеку"
"Ivan Alekseev: the world of homusa is open to every person"
Книга "Иван Алексеев: "Мир хомуса открыт каждому человеку", с 12-ю карточками - фотографиями изданий проекта "Мастера варгана - волшебного звука творцы" отправляются в Музей и Центр Хомусов народов Мира (г.Якутск) (IL Khomus) к его Президенту и основателю, хомусисту - виртуозу мира Ивану Егоровичу Алексееву. К сожалению типография перед Новым Годом немного подвела и подарок видимо приедет уже в новом году. 

The book " Ivan Alekseev: " the world of homusa is open to every person ", with 12 cards - photos of the editions of the project " Masters of vargana - the magical sound of the creators " are sent to the museum and the centre of the Yakutsk) (Il Khomus) to his president and founder, homusistu - virtuozu of the world Ivan Yegorovich Alexeyev. Unfortunately printing before the new year is a little failed and the gift is apparently coming in the new year.

Мастера варгана – волшебного звука творцы
"Master vargana - the magical sound of the creator"
Очередной тематический сборник, - издание проекта «Мастера варгана – волшебного звука творцы» представляет собой подборку статей по теме археологических варганов.
В сборнике собраны как полные тексты статей, так и выдержки из более крупных публикаций, посвященные обнаружению варганов в ходе археологических исследований. Речь в материалах сборника преимущественно идет о находках на территории бывшего Советского Союза (Прикамье и Поволжье, Центральная Россия, Алтай, Украина, Узбекистан, Приморье) и лишь одна известная статья японского исследователя посвящена японским варганам.
Это первый опыт подобного рода издания, в котором осуществлена попытка собрать под одной обложкой наиболее значимые русско-язычные публикации (лишь одна статья – О.Пашковского об украинских дрымбах публикуется в переводе с украинского языка) по теме археологических варганов.
Презентационный ролик, а также фрагмент издания в формате pdf доступный для просмотра и скачивания размещены на официальной странице издания: http://виктор-белов.рф/археологические-варганы-сборник-ста/

Another theme compilation - the edition of the project "Master vargana - the magical sound of the creator" is a compilation of articles on the subject of archaeological varganov.
The Collection is collected both full texts of articles and extracts from larger publications dedicated to the detection of varganov in archaeological studies. The content of the compilation is mainly about the find in the territory of the former Soviet Union (Prikamʹe and volga, central Russia, Altai, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, primorje) and only one famous article of the Japanese Explorer is dedicated to Japanese varganam.
This is the first experience of this kind of edition, which has attempted to collect under one cover the most meaningful Russian-language publications (only one article - o. Paškovskogo about Ukrainian drymbah is published in translation from Ukrainian language) on the subject of archaeological varganov.
The presentation video, as well as a fragment of the edition in PDF format available to view and download is posted on the official page of the edition, here.

see also: #KhomusWeekly Jew's Harp Newsletter: Burtsev: dynasty of masters of the Yakut khomus. Collection of articles, album of photos.

Авторский сайт Виктора Белова
Исследователь, краевед, генеалог, писатель

The author's site Victor Belov > website
Researcher, local historian, genealogist, writer

Friday, December 28, 2018

Burtsev: dynasty of masters of the Yakut khomus. Collection of articles, album of photos.

Книга, которую мы сейчас презентуем, первая в ряде книг, речь в которых идет именно о мастерах варгана, то-есть посвящена именно той тематике, изначально ставшей объектом нашего исследования и даже вынесена в название проекта. 
Думаю, не стоит пояснять, почему именно мастера якутского хомуса Николай Петрович и Николай Николаевич Бурцевы (Николай Бурцев) стали героями первого издания подобного рода. Для кого же этот вопрос требует разъяснения (да и для всех остальных) – все подробности об издании, презентационный видеоролик, а также фрагмент издания с вводными материалами, фрагментами статей, фотографиями и содержанием, доступный для просмотра и скачивания в формате pdf – размещены на постоянной странице издания на моем сайте.

Виктор Белов-Щусь posts (on Facebook): 
The book we are now present, the first in a number of books, which is about the masters of vargana, is dedicated to exactly the subject that has originally been the subject of our study and even put in the name of the project.

I guess not to explain why it was the masters of yakutsk homusa Nikolai Petrovich and Nikolai Nikolayevich Burcevy (Николай Burcev) became the heroes of the first edition of this kind. For whom the question requires clarification (yes and for everyone else) - all details about the edition, presentation video, as well as a fragment of the edition with input materials, fragments of articles, photos and content available to view and download in PDF format - posted on permanent Page Edition on the website, here.

Бурцевы: династия мастеров якутского хомуса. Сборник статей, альбом фотографий.

Burtsev: dynasty of masters of the Yakut khomus. Collection of articles, album of photos.

Бурцевы: династия мастеров якутского хомуса. Сборник статей, альбом фотографий. Сост. В.Белов. Елабуга, Издание Елабужского Отделения Русского Географического Общества, 2018. –  с.154
Burtsev: dynasty of masters of the Yakut khomus. Collection of articles, album of photos. Comp. V. Belov. Yelabuga, Edition of the Elabuga Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, 2018. - p.154

…Recently, in some publications, one has to meet the opinion that Russia is experiencing today a kind of “boom of the varganostroyeniya”, that everyone who is not too lazy, etc., is engaged in the production of harps. etc. Perhaps this is partly the trend, and there is a place to be, but in our opinion only partly. It is difficult to argue with the fact that among the masters - the Vargano-creators, occasional people do sometimes come across. If the latter are not taken into account, then the masters can be divided into:

- those who do it in pleasure, from time to time, and do not strive to make money on it;

- those who deal with this professionally as the main craft and make consistently good tools and

- those who treat this type of craft as a creative work, and from whose hands come out piece, exclusive products.

However, there is another category of vargan masters (khomus), which combines the best features of the above with the addition of its unique qualities. These are the masters whose merits make it possible to inscribe their names in the History. The history of world harpscreation. These masters, of course, include the dynasty of masters - manufacturers of the Yakut khomus - father and son Nikolai Petrovich and Nikolai Nikolaevich Burtsevs. Therefore, it is not by chance that these wonderful masters became the heroes of the first collection of the project “The Masters of the Vargan - the Magic Sound of Creators,” dedicated to the masters of the vargan, and not around all sorts of questions of the vargan theme…

see also: #KhomusWeekly Jew's Harp Newsletter: The books "Ivan Alekseev: the world of homusa is open to every person" and "Master vargana - the magical sound of the creator" Мастера варгана – волшебного звука творцы

Авторский сайт Виктора Белова
Исследователь, краевед, генеалог, писатель

The author's site, Victor Belov > website
Researcher, local historian, genealogist, writer

#KhomusWeekly Year in Review



playlist "Sakha Culture / Yakutia @ #KhomusWeekly"

playlist "Ensembles at #KhomusWeekly"

playlist "Festivals at #KhomusWeekly"

playlist "Karinding at #KhomusWeekly"

playlist "instructional videos at #KhomusWeekly"

playlist "#KhomusWeekly 02"





Have a great New Year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

▶ Эркин Алексеев. Хомус Егора Тартакова. Erkin Alexeev. Tartakov's khomus jew's harp

Новый хомус Егора Тартакова (Сунтарский улус, Якутия).
Очень сочный, высокий звук. То, что я давно искал. При этом язычок инструмента лёгкий, не капризный.
My new khomus made by Egor Tartakov. Very racy and high sound

* (google translate): New khomus of Egor Tartakova (Suntarsky Ulus, Yakutia).
Very juicy, high sound. What I have been looking for. At the same time the tongue of the tool is light, not capricious.

Эркин Алексеев. Хомус Егора Тартакова. Erkin Alexeev. Tartakov's khomus jew's harp - YouTube

Friday, December 7, 2018

Ancient Trance Festival 2019 • Aug 8 - 11 • Taucha Bei Leipzig, Germany

[English below*]

Wir sind wieder da! 

Vibrierende Sounds, schwingende Körper, inspirierende Workshops, öffnende Begegnungen... das Ancient-Trance-Festival geht im Sommer 2019 in die 10. Runde - ein Jubiläum das gefeiert werden will - und zwar mit DIR!  

Das Team ist schon seit einigen Wochen am Visionieren und freut sich jetzt nach einem Jahr Verschnaufpause die neuen Ideen zu verwirklichen. Wenn Du Lust hast am nächten Festival mitzuwirken sende uns eine Email an Es warten spannende und kreative Aufgaben im Team auf Dich!

Unser traditioneller Weihnachtsvorverkauf startet am 06.12.2018!!!

Voller Energie und Vorfreude, 
Eure Festivalfamilie

* (English / google translate):

We are back!

Vibrant sounds, swinging bodies, inspiring workshops, opening encounters ... the Ancient Trance Festival is entering the tenth round in the summer of 2019 - an anniversary to be celebrated - with YOU!

The team has been visioning for several weeks now and is looking forward to realizing the new ideas after a year of breather. If you feel like participating in the next festival send us an email to Exciting and creative tasks in a team await you!

Our traditional Christmas sales start on 06.12.2018 !!!

Full of energy and anticipation,
Your festival family

– more, from the website… (English below **)

Ancient Trance Festival

Herzlich willkommen auf unserer neuen Website.
Wir sind in den letzten Zügen, Dir hier alle wichtigen Features und Insbesondere den ab dem 6. Dezember startenden Vorverkauf zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Es geht weiter: 8.-11. August 2019

Vom 8. - 11. August 2019 lassen wir die Jubiläumsausgabe, das 10. Ancient Trance steigen.
Wir legen uns jetzt schon wahnsinnig ins Zeug, um uns allen ein unvergesslich schönes Wochenende zu bereiten.
Wie immer gilt: Wenn Du mithelfen willst – auch Ehrenamtlich im Vorfeld, in der Orga tritt mit uns in Kontakt.

Vorverkauf 2019 ab dem 6. Dezember 2018

Traditionell starten wir im Dezember mit dem Vorverkauf.
Die ersten 1.000 Tickets verkaufen wir bis zum 31.01.2019 für nur 60,-€. Alle, die bis zum 18.12.2018 bezahlen erhalten ein mit viel Liebe eingepacktes Papierticket.

** (English / google translate)

Welcome to our new website.
We are in the last legs, here you all important features and in particular to the starting from the 6. December starting presale to the order.
It continues: 8.-11. August 2019

From the 8th to the 11th of August 2019 we will release the anniversary edition, the 10th Ancient Trance.
We are already working hard to prepare a memorable weekend for all of us.
As always: If you want to help - also volunteers in advance, in the organization comes into contact with us.
Advance sale 2019 from 6th December 2018

Traditionally, we start the pre-sale in December.
The first 1,000 tickets will be sold until 31.01.2019 for only 60, - €. All those who pay until 18.12.2018 receive a packed paper bag.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Global Vibes 2018 – 28/29 December


A Global Vibes egy olyan multikulturális rendezvény, ahol a zenei stílusok, művészeti irányzatok és különböző kultúrák mind hatással vannak egymásra. Tucatnyi koncert, rengeteg fellépő, ősi és különleges hangszerek elektronikus zenében, sámánokról készült fotók fényfestésben, workshopok, előadások, táncház - ez mind a Global Vibes. Külföldi és hazai zenészek hívnak mindenkit egy térbeli és időbeli utazásra ezen a nemzetközi rendezvényen, a város egyik legszebb épületében.

A Dorombkonferencia a Global Vibes világzenei esemény szakmai kísérő rendezvénye. A rendezvény célja, hogy ezt a különleges hangszert a részvevők jobban megismerjék, a magyar népzenében és ősi hagyományainkban betöltött szerepéről párbeszéd alakuljon ki. A Dorombkonferencia lehetőséget teremt a magyar és nemzetközi szakembereknek a találkozásra, eszmecserére. A közönség számára pedig egyedülálló, változatos, interaktív ismeretterjesztés magyar és külföldi előadókkal, koncertekkel, workshopokkal.

2018. 12. 28. péntek - Nemzetközi folkkocsma és táncház (ingyenes)
Ráhangolódás a másnapi konferenciára zenével, tánccal és ismerkedéssel.

Koncert program :
18:30 Gajtan - Udmurt-székely családi zenekar (RO/HU)
19:00 Leo Tadagawa (JP)
19:25 Somoska (RO/HU) - moldvai csángó gyerekcsapat Romania 
20:00 Tchen (FR)
20:20 Dom Martin (FR)

20:30 Szünet. Szünetben az előtérben lévő színpadon feliratkozós szabad színpad. 

21:30 Spirit Dance Trio (HU)
22:00 Catlin Magi (EST)
22:40 The CimiSchulz Show (AT)

23:30 Zoord (HU) 

2018.12.29. Szombat

Konferencia program:
10:30 Kapunyitás
11:00 Köszöntő
11:10 A doromb zenei akusztikája - Dr. Pap János, Zeneakadémia
11:40 Udmurt hagyományok - Demeter Miklós 
12:00 Hogy hangszereljünk kórusművet dorombra? - Dr. Smuta Attila
12:30 Ebédszünet, hangszervásár
13:30 Kaukázusi gyökerek, zenei rokonságok - Agócs Gergely
14:00 Észt dorombos hagyományok - Catlin Magi
14:30 A doromb Japánban - Leo Tadagawa,
15:00 Bálint Györgyi - gyógyító rezgések
15:30 Istók Pál - Moldvai dorombos hagyományok
16:00 Vége a konferenciának

16:20 Szabad színpad az előtérben előzetesen feliratkozóknak.

(Programváltozás jogát fenntartjuk.)
Belépőjegy: 1500 Ft/fő
Egész nap, mindenre!

Global Vibes is a multicultural, multifaceted event that brings together different music and art styles, interesting people playing weird musical instruments for a humble day at the end of the year. The link between the performances and its people is one of the most ancient instruments, the Jew's harp and the friendship derived from it. Many players, raypainted walls of the old synagogue, ancient instruments in modern electronic music, traditional dances and crazy experimental concerts with wonderful visuals. This is all Global Vibes.

A Jew's harp themed extravagant party in an old ex-cinema in Kecskemét in the middle of Hungary, just 40 mins from Budapest.

28th December, Friday

20:00 International jam session, folk pub and traditional dances
Venue: Kilele Music Cafe

29th December, Saturday
Conference programme - 
Venue: Musical Instrument Museum, concert hall

10:30 doors open
11:00 Greetings
11:10 Dr. János Pap, professor of acoustics, The physics of Jew’s harp
11:40 Miklós Demeter, traditions of Udmurtia
12:00 Sandor Balogh, Jew’s harp in trad music education
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Gergely Agócs, Caucasian report
14:00 Catlin Magi, Estonian traditions
14:30 Leo Tadagawa, Jew’s harp/Mukkuri in Japan
15:00 Györgyi Bálint, therapeutic useage
15:30 Pál Istok, traditions and revival amongst the Csango people of Moldva
16:00 Conference end

16:20 Open Stage for signed up musicians -

Concert program - Venue: Musical Instrument Museum, concert hall
18:30 Gajtan - Udmurt-Hungarian family band living in Romania (RO/HU)
19:00 Leo Tadagawa (JP)
19:20 Somoska (RO/HU) - kid group of the csángó Hungarian minority living in Moldva, Romania 
20:00 Tchen (FR)
20:20 Dom Martin (FR)

20:30 Break - Open Stage for signed up musicians 

21:30 Spirit Dance Trio (HU)
22:00 Catlin Magi (EST)
22:40 The CimiSchulz Show (AT)

23:10 Zoord (HU) 

Program is subject to change.
Tickets: 1500 HUF/whole day, every program.

Global Vibes 2018 Facebook Event Page

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Guelph Film Festival Review: 'The Strange Sound of Happiness' Unearths Mouth-Harp Mysteries Directed by Diego Pascal Panarello

In this beautifully made docu-drama, one man's dream to become a musician is realized via an unlikely instrument. Director Diego Pascal Panarello narrates and stars in this fantastical film ostensibly about a version of himself — a drifting, broken-hearted man who returns home to Sicily with no focus or prospects in life until he encounters a mouth-harp, which alters him immeasurably…

more: Guelph Film Festival Review: 'The Strange Sound of Happiness' Unearths Mouth-Harp Mysteries Directed by Diego Pascal Panarello

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"Melodia – 11 Compositions for Melodic Jaw Harp" | Mark Growden

This collection of compositions is for the open/closed glottis, high register, melodic technique of jaw harp playing, as can be found in the traditional musics of Norway, Kyrgyzstan, Sicily, Estonia, and Rajasthan. In Russian and English. включает в себя перевод на русский язык.


Mark Growdon - "Melodia - 11 Compositions for Melodic Jaw Harp" - Swirly Music - Serving Composers and Consumers of Printed Music